It’s the end of July, it’s been consistently hot, and everything just requires so much effort. It’s normal to fall into a summertime funk - nothing really seems to matter, motivation is lacking, and work is the last thing anyone wants to do. It’s hard not to bring that outlook to work, no matter where you’re working - physically in the office or on the couch at home - but it’s important to fight off the feelings when you feel them creeping in, especially if it impacts your work. Find little ways to reset your attitude, behavior, and motivation.
Set goals.
It’s easy to let the ball drop when there is no accountability. Push yourself or ask your peers to push you. Set both short-term and long-term goals so you have something to strive for at all times.
Clean up your work area.
We promise there is a desk somewhere underneath all your papers! How many half-filled coffee cups are sitting on your desk? Are your pens thrown across the surface? Pick up your space. Throw out or recycle what you no longer need.
Get rid of distractions.
This takes discipline, but it’s entirely possible when you’re on a mission! Cut out distractions as best as you can so you can focus more on getting work done and making a killing.
Take a personal day.
Take a day off to do whatever you want. The day is yours! There is one stipulation: you must not do any work! Come back the next day refreshed and ready to go.
Tie up any loose ends.
Do you have unfinished projects or emails you still need to send? Make a list of what you need to finish or follow-up on and check them off one by one. Tying up loose ends will give you a feeling of completion and accomplishment, even if it may be just sending a follow-up email. Getting little things done will help with your production and amp up your motivation as you see things being checked off your list.
It seems inevitable to end up in a summertime funk, but let’s snap out of it! Find some ways to clear your head and show up to work refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on the day!